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Founded by a Void shugenja named Ekuro, the Order of Five Weapons teaches mastery of the Elemental weapon spells, and also maintains a secret spell taught to its most trusted members.

School Type
Clan School
Ronin shugenja 4 (any ronin shugenja school)
School Techniques
Ekuro’s Weapons - The founder of this order perfected the use of weapons summoned from the Elemental kami. You may cast any of the four Elemental Weapon spells as a Simple Action (rather than a Complex Action). You may spend a Void Point (as a Free Action) to be able to attack with these summoned weapons as a Simple Action for a number of Rounds equal to your Insight Rank. If you have the Ishiken-do Advantage, you may learn the secret spell “Dart of Void.”
At least Rank 3 in the Skills of Kenjutsu, Heavy Weapon, Spears, and Staves
Alternate Path Special
Must be able to cast at least two of the four Elemental Weapon spells (Yari of Air, Katana of Fire, Tetsubo of Earth, Bo of Water)
Path Technique Rank