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The Silken Promises are a secretive organization of geisha who use their acting and performance skills to develop influence with their important customers. The Promises work primarily to protect their own interests, but often act in alliance with other groups who are aware of them and value their ability to exert covert political influence-most notably the Scorpion Clan, who are the official sponsors of the Silken Promises. However, the Promises have also been known to work with the Kolat, as well as the Spider Clan in eras when that group is active.

School Type
Clan School
School Techniques
Dance of Silk - The geisha of the Silken Promises use their entertainment skills to subtly guide their clients into the policies and attitudes they prefer. You may attempt to shift someone’s attitudes by offering a suitable artistic performance (typically dance or music) and making a Contested Roll of your Perform / Awareness (or Acting / Awareness if more appropriate) against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, you lure them into the attitude or a choice you would prefer. At the GM’s option, you may also take them as an Ally with 1-point Devotion.
The effects of the Silken Promise technique are not "mind control" and cannot force someone to make a decision that goes directly against his character or his true loyalties. Subject to such caveats, however, the technique can exert considerable influence, since the target is unaware that he is being manipulated and may well believe his new decision is entirely his own. Ultimately, the GM has the final say on how much impact the Silken Promise Technique can exert. You may not target the same character with this Technique more than once per month.
Must be a geisha who has been admitted to the ranks of the Silken Promise and who has Acting 3 and at least three Perform skills at Rank 3.
Path Technique Rank