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The Scales of the Carp is a ronin smuggling organization run by the Yasuki family; its purpose is to conduct trade with the Crane, who otherwise largely cut off all mercantile contact with the Crab. Although the trade barriers between Crane and Crab diminished over time, the Yasuki found the Scales too useful not to keep around, especially for dealing with illicit trade that might otherwise sully their own hands.

School Type
Clan School
School Techniques
Swimming Beneath the Waves - The Scales of the Carp operate beneath the level where most samurai take notice, and are adept at convincing the authorities - especially those on either side of the Crab-Crane border - to ignore their activities. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Temptation (Bribery) rolls. If the roll is against a Crab or Crane samurai, the bonus is +1k1 instead, and if the samurai agrees to the bribe you may (with the GM’s permission) spend a Void Point to gain him as an Ally with 1 point of Devotion. He will remain an Ally permanently unless you betray him or otherwise break the alliance.
Commerce 4, Lore: Underworld 3, and must be recruited into the Scales by existing members
Path Technique Rank