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During the years of the Heresy the Empire has, as always, many ronin desperate for acceptance and belonging. Since the Hawk Clan did not yet formally exist, there was technically no penalty for impersonating a member, and some ronin took this opportunity to represent themselves as members of the Hawk Clan, hoping not only to mitigate the circumstances of their day-to-day existence but also perhaps to gain acceptance into the ranks of the Hawk Clan if the Heresy succeeded. As the Heresy escalated, these ronin became numerous enough to band together and develop a simple Technique to enhance their efforts, but once Gorinno was cast down it became dangerous to continue claiming allegiance to the Hawk, and the former "Purists" scattered and abandoned their Technique. GM may also use the Hawk Purist Technique to represent any ronin band that aspires to become a Minor Clan and thus lays claim to a larger name and identity.

School Type
Clan School
School Techniques
Grace from the Shadows - The ronin who fancy themselves members of the Hawk Clan rely on a mix of popular opinion, bluff, and intimidation to make themselves part of a greater movement and gain favor with others. Any time you are speaking with another person, you may assert your membership in the "Hawk Clan" and try to convince him to treat you with corresponding respect. This is a Contested Awareness roll (and is a Complex Action if Actions are relevant). If you succeed in the roll, your opponent will treat you as if your Status is one Rank greater than it is. (Thus a normal Status 0 ronin will instead be treated as though he is Status 1.)
Path Technique Rank