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After the Unicorn Clan’s return, the Seppun family began aggressively training cavalry forces of its own. Only the most elite members of the already legendary Imperial military are allowed to seek admission to the unit known as the Rising Sun. These men and women receive endless training from the finest mounted combatants to be found in the rest of the Empire - making them masters of tactics the Great Clans do not share with one another. While the Unicorn are the undisputed masters of cavalry warfare, even they hold the Rising Sun legion in extremely high regard.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Seppun Guardsman 5 (with the GM’s permission, any bushi Basic School 5 if the character is enrolled in the Imperial Legions)
School Techniques
The Storm of Heaven’s Wrath - The bushi of the Rising Sun are trained in the true mastery of cavalry tactics and call on their devotion to their Imperial duty to make them a terrifying force on the battlefield. While you are mounted and in the Attack Stance, you may add your Honor Rank to your Armor TN and may spend a Void Point to add half your Honor Rank (rounded up) in kept dice to your attack roll.
Strength 4, Horsemanship 5, Spears 5
Path Technique Rank