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During their time wandering the gaijin lands, the Unicorn tame and train a breed of dog unknown within Rokugan, eventually bringing it back with them to the Empire. These fierce and loyal animals are capable of fighting alongside their human masters, and the Unicorn maintain a small dojo which specifically trains bushi in the art of commanding and mastering their war-dogs.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Shinjo Bushi 4, Utaku Mounted Infantry 4, Moto Bushi 4
School Techniques
Ferocity of the Ki Rin - The War-Dog Masters learn how to train an entire pack of war-dogs and how to control and direct the pack in combat. As a Complex Action, you can roll Animal Handling (War Dogs) / Willpower at TN 20 to give your entire pack of War-Dogs a simple command (such as “Attack” or “Track” or “Hold Position”). You can Raise on this roll to convey more sophisticated commands, subject to the GM’s judgment and limitations. Also, when your War-Dogs carry out attacks which you have ordered them to make, they gain a +1k0 bonus to their attack and damage rolls.
Awareness 3, Willpower 4, Animal Handling (War Dogs) 5
Alternate Path Special
Enrolling in this Path grants you a pack of Unicorn War-Dogs (core rulebook, page 321). The total number of war-dogs you can have in your pack is equal to your Awareness.
Path Technique Rank