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Even since its return to the Empire, the Unicorn Clan has established a tradition of upholding the law and protecting the common folk, a tradition which often puts it into conflict with groups like the Scorpion Clan and the Empire’s various criminal groups. The Shinjo family dominate this tradition and develop a Technique in support of it - somewhat ironic given that the Shinjo family was also heavily infiltrated by the Kolat. After the exposure and purging of the Kolat by Lady Shinjo herself, the Shinjo Magistrates remade themselves to be especially skillful at rooting out and purging the Kolat influence, later assisting the Ox Clan in establishing the order known as the Vigilant.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Shinjo Bushi 2, Utaku Battle Maiden 2, Moto Bushi 2, Moto Vindicator 2
School Techniques
Eyes of the Vigilant - The Magistrates are charged with rooting out and destroying criminals, traitors, and law-breakers of all sorts. When using Investigation to try to locate clues or to test another person’s truthfulness, you gain a +1k0 bonus. When tracking known criminals or traitors you gain a +1k0 to Hunting Skill rolls, and when attacking such persons you gain a +1k0 to all Weapon Skill Rolls.
GM’s Option: The Unicorn Vigilant - In games set after the Hidden Emperor era, the GM can reflect the Unicorn Clan’s efforts to purge Kolat influence by increasing the Investigation bonus to +1k1 when opposing Kolat activities or agents.
Investigation 3, Lore: Law 3
Path Technique Rank