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The Hand of Peace follows Ide's peaceful dictums to their logical conclusions, becoming dedicated pacifists - often of a rather ascetic nature. Although they still carry the samurai weapons which are their legacy as members of the Unicorn Clan, they refuse to ever use them. They serve as good diplomats when dealing with the more peaceful and/or idealistic clans, such as the Crane and especially the Phoenix.

School Type
Clan School
Ide Emissary 4
School Techniques
Ide's Ideal - The followers of the Hand of Peace are able to overawe their rivals by the purity of their devotion to peace. Any time you are able to propose a peaceful solution to a diplomatic problem or negotiation, you may cite the benefits of peace and roll Courtier (Rhetoric) / Awareness against your opponent's Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, the opponent is forced to make a meaningful concession to your position (the exact nature of the concession is of course chosen by the GM, but it will always be significant). This technique may be used a maximum of twice per encounter. If you commit an act of violence (even in self-defense) that inflicts damage on a fellow Rokugani (even a ronin or bandit), your sense of moral serenity is shattered and you lose the benefits of this technique for one month.
Honor 5.0 or better
Path Technique Rank