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Shiba bent the knee to man and swore to follow the Isawa family at the inception of the Phoenix Clan. Throughout Rokugan's history, the Shiba family has acted as the defenders of the Isawa shugenja against anything that may stand against them. The Shiba take this duty seriously and many have devoted their entire lives to this goal. The Shiba Yojimbo is the epitome of the family's ideal; he will die before he allows harm to his charge.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Shiba Bushi 3
School Techniques
Shiba's Sacrifice - The Shiba yojimbo are an elite cadre of personal guards, trained to give their lives for their charges at a moment's notice. Only the most honorable and selfless of the Shiba are selected for this training, since it requires a willingness to throw one's life away without hesitation. At the start of any skirmish, you may designate one ally as your charge for that skirmish. Any time your charge is hit by a physical or a targeted (non-area-affect) damage-causing spell, if you are within 10' you may make a Defense / Reflexes roll at TN 25. With a success, you take the damage instead of your charge. If you spend a Void Point to reduce this damage, it is reduced by 20 instead of the normal 10.
Honor Rank 5.0+
Path Technique Rank