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This small sect of shugenja studies and refines the ancient kawaru texts and methods, offering guidance and divination to all who might need it. To these shugenja the ways of kawaru are a sacred art, a gift from the Fortunes, and they often blend the kawaru methods with actual divination magic to get more precise results. They like to wear robes embroidered with the kawaru hexagrams. Kawaru Sages occasionally gain fame as court diviners, although they more often toil in obscurity.

School Type
Clan School
Any Phoenix shugenja 2, Tonbo Shugenja 2
School Techniques
The Veil of the Future - The Kawaru Sages have mastered the art of reading the sixty-four hexagrams of kawaru in order to divine what will happen in the near future, enhancing their forecasts with the aid of the kami of Water. At the beginning of each day, you may spend one hour in meditation and make a Divination Skill Roll, at a basic TN of 15. If successful, you gain a +1k0 bonus die, and you may Raise on the roll to gain addition bonus dice up to your Water Ring. You may spend these +1k0 bonus dice on any Spell Casting Rolls made during the rest of the day. Unused dice are lost at nightfall.
Divination (Kawaru) 3
Path Technique Rank