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The death of the Ivory Kingdoms has left the region rife with overgrown ruins, collapsed cities, and lost temples. It is a land filled with buried secrets, forgotten lore, and abandoned culture. While all of the clans of Rokugan believe their own culture is greatly superior to that which has been eradicated, there is nonetheless considerable curiosity about it, and none feel this more keenly than the Phoenix. Throughout history, the Phoenix have been the masters and keepers of ancient and forbidden lore, and the sudden presence of so much completely unknown has been like a feast offered to a starving man. Many Phoenix in the Colonies have taken up the pursuit of these secrets in earnest and train to make it their primary duty.

School Type
Clan School
Isawa Shugenja 2, Agasha Shugenja 2
School Techniques
There Are No Secrets - The scholars of the Phoenix Clan are masters of prying the secrets of a dead nation from its ruins, regaining vast amounts of knowledge that might otherwise have been lost forever. When casting a non-damaging spell on an object, creature, or willing individual (not yourself) for which you have at least 3 Ranks in an applicable Lore Skill, you gain a +1k1 bonus on the Spell Casting Roll. The GM is the final judge on whether a Lore Skill is applicable. For example, Lore: Shadowlands would apply when casting a spell on an oni, but not when casting it on a gaki.
Lore: Gaijin (Ivory Kingdoms) 3
Path Technique Rank