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The most unique and potent force within the Phoenix armies is unquestionably the Element Guard, a set of small and highly specialized units consisting primarily of potent Isawa-trained shugenja who specialize in battle. These individuals are capable of battlefield-shaking magic, but they cannot and do not take the field on their own. For each of the Elemental Guard units there exists a highly trained legion from the Shiba family that is uniquely prepared to take the field alongside their shugenja brethren. The Hurricane Initiates are accompanied by the Legion of Wind, the Avalanche Guard by the Legion of Stone, the Firestorm Legion by the Legion of Flame, and Tsunami Legion by the Legion of the Wave. Each of these accompanying legions are staffed with bushi who have received exhaustive training from both shugenja and members of the Brotherhood in how to properly align their spirits with the Element of their guiding force, allowing them to draw strength from the forces unleashed by their shugenja comrades.

School Type
Clan School
Shiba Bushi Rank 3
School Techniques
Strength of the Five - Shiba bushi who serve in the four Elemental Legions are trained to draw strength from their shugenja brothers. When you learn this Technique you must select one non-Void Ring. When an allied shugenja within your line of sight casts a spell of that Elemental, you gain one bonus Void Point. These bonus Void Points may only be spent on rolls which use the Traits associated with that Element. The Void Points may be also used in additional ways (listed below) depending on the Element in question. You may not gain more Void Points in this manner than you School Rank, and bonus Void Points not used by the end of the skirmish are lost.
* Air: Increase your Armor Tn by 10 for one Round.
* Earth: Reduce the number of Wounds suffered from one damage roll by 10.
* Fire: Temporarily increase 1 Skill Rank from 0 to 1 for one roll.
* Water: Exchange your Initiative Score with one other willing participant for the duration of the present skirmish.
Lore: Elements (appropriate Ring) 2. Must be selected to serve in one of the Elemental Legions.
Path Technique Rank