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The Ikakeya are a lesser known sect of the Agasha family who have deliberately avoided the attention of outsiders ever since their family joined the Phoenix Clan. These individuals have continued their studies of the alchemical formulae and techniques from their time with the Dragon Clan (and which the Tamori family has continued in that clan). The Ikakeya are known for their skill at producing potions and other alchemical items that contain the essence of their magic, as well as for their skill at transposing and combining different Elements for maximum effect.

School Type
Clan School
Agasha Shugenja 3
School Techniques
Fury of the Elements - You may store a Fire spell with the Area of Effect "one target person" or "one target creature" in an alchemical preparation for later use. The stored spell may be activated instantly by anyone as either a Simple Action (to drink a potion) or a Complex Action (to throw it, using Athletics (Throwing) / Agility). By spending a Spell Slot for another Element (except Void), you may also give a spell stored in this manner either an additional Elemental keyword, or replace its Fire keyword with another Elemental keyword. For example, by spending an Earth slot, you could cause the stored spell to be both Fire and Earth, or just Earth, for all purposes related to the type of Elemental keyword associated with the spell. A spell may only be given one additional Elemental keyword this way.
Fire 3, Spellcraft 3
Path Technique Rank