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At their heart the Kitsune are a simple people who have weathered the centuries due to their unique harmony with the forest and spirits around them. Although many of the family possesses the ability to speak with the kami, there are plenty in each generation who are unable to do so. These men and women still serve their clan, however, and still possess the same link their kinsmen enjoy with the wilderness. They are among the finest woodsmen to be found anywhere in the Empire.

School Type
Clan School
Any Mantis Bushi 2
School Techniques
One With the Wild - Although they do not possess an ability to speak to the kami, the Kitsune rangers are at home in the wilderness like few others in the Empire. You gain a Free Raise on all Hunting Skill Rolls and on any Stealth Skill Rolls made while in a rural environment. Additionally, you gain a bonus of +2k0 on any Contested Roll involving detection, whether you are avoiding detection or attempting to detect a hidden opponent.
Hunting 3
Alternate Path Special
Prior to the Kitsune joining the Mantis Clan, this Technique may be taken as a Rank 2 Path by any bushi-trained Kitsune, regardless of school - including those who do not have a school. This Technique can also be taken as a Rank 2 Ronin Technique for any ronin characters who possess a Ally Advantage associated with the Kitsune family.
Path Technique Rank