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The Lion Clan’s famous War College is best known for training the brilliant shireikan and generals known as the Akodo Tactical Masters. However, the school also offers specialized training to the most promising lower ranking officers, such as gunso and chui, to enhance the performance of smaller units in the Lion armies. Through most of the Empire’s history these men are known simply as Lion Tacticians, but in the twelfth century the generation-long disbandment of the Akodo family results in a large number of Ikoma samurai training in this technique, and many Lion take to calling them the Ikoma Tacticians.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Any Lion Bushi 4, Ikoma Bard 4
School Techniques
The Commander's Fan - Lion officers usually carry a war-fan in order to use it for conveying orders on the battlefield. Early on, they discovered the fan could also be used to protect themselves when they came under attack on the battlefield. You gain a +1k1 bonus to Battle (Mass Battle) rolls in any situation where your war-fan makes it easier for you to convey orders (GM’s discretion). While you are carrying a war-fan (regardless of which hand you are using), you may add half your Warfans Skill Rank (rounded up) to your Armor TN. If you are in the Defense or Full Defense Stance, or you are ONLY carrying a war-fan, you may add your full Skill Rank instead. (These do not stack, and carrying two war-fans does not double the bonus.)
Battle 4, War Fan 4, must be at least a Gunso in rank.
Path Technique Rank