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Formed during the twelfth century, the Spirit Legion is comprised of a handful of Kitsu shugenja with the ability to reach across the boundaries of the Spirit Realms and summon the spirits of those realms to serve them. The ability cannot be taught - one must be born to it = and those with the gift are quite rare.

School Type
Clan School
Kitsu Shugenja 4
School Techniques
The Legions of the Dead - The handful of Spirit Legionnaires are able to pull aside the veil of the Spirit Realms and call forth the spirits themselves to defend their family. You may conduct a ritual that opens a portal and summons forth a spirit to fight in your place. This is a Complex Action that requires you to expend 2 spell slots associated with one Element of your choice and spend a Void Point. the spirit appears as an armored warrior with the Spirit trait and with all Rings at 2 except for the Ring whose slots you sacrificed; that Ring begins at 3. The spirit is considered to have Kenjutsu 3 and Defense 2, and is equipped with a spectral daisho and light armor. These spirits remain in the mortal realm for a number of hours equal to your Kitsu Shugenja School Rank, or until dismissed by you.
Must be born with the spiritual gifts required to serve in the Spirit Legion. This is essentially a character-development/role-play constraint which should be discussed between player and GM.
Path Technique Rank