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It is sometimes forgotten that Ikoma was not only a storyteller but also a rather vicious hand-to-hand fighter. In modern times, much of Ikoma’s less-reputable legacy is found in the obscure Lion’s Shadow school, but the Lion Clan also maintains a more public and honorable dojo which teaches a simple hand-to-hand technique inspired by Ikoma’s legacy.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Akodo Bushi 4, Matsu Berserker 4, Ikoma Lion’s Shadow 4, Ikoma Bard 4
School Techniques
Every Scar Has a Name - The Scrapper learns that so long as he can call on the same courage and ruthlessness as Ikoma himself, he is never truly unarmed. You may attack as a Simple Action with unarmed strikes and improvised weapons (if you did not already have the ability to do so). Your vicious attacks can disorient and terrify your opponents. Once per skirmish, if you strike unarmed or with an improvised weapon, you may call two Raises to make your attack inflict a Fear effect on the target, with a Rank equal to your Insight Rank.
Strength 4, Jiujutsu 5
Path Technique Rank