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The Ikoma Historians are a specialized sub-group within the Ikoma courtly schools, recruiting students from both the Omoidasu and the Lion’s Shadow. They are an elite group within the family, charged with supervising the Empire’s official histories, and regard their duties as a sacred trust. They frequently make use of their access to the secrets of the Empire’s history to protect both Imperial and Lion interests, and most of the members of the hidden Ikoma-Shosuro alliance are drawn from their ranks.

School Type
Clan School
Ikoma Bard 3, Ikoma Lion’s Shadow 3
School Techniques
The Past and the Present - The Ikoma Historians are tasked with comprehensively recording the official histories of the Empire - and also with concealing inconvenient aspects of that history. You are expected to always be ready to record the events around you, and as such you are trained to memorize and perfectly recall anything worthy of inclusion in the historical records. When you take this Path, you acquire the Advantage Forbidden Knowledge (Empire’s True History). You gain a Free Raise on all Calligraphy rolls and you may roll Lore: History / Intelligence at TN 25 to accurately recount any incident you have witnessed and any story you have heard, down to the smallest detail - including details you may have missed at the time.
Lore: History 5
Path Technique Rank