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During the Shattered Empire era, the Crane Clan conducts a major naval buildup and fights an extended series of naval battles and campaigns against Yoritomo’s fleets. This effort is largely organized by Doji Chomei, who had previously served as an ambassador to the Mantis Clan and knew more about them than almost any other Crane alive. He knew the value of training Crane bushi in techniques of naval combat and boarding action, techniques he had seen demonstrated by Yoritomo himself, and made this a centerpiece of the Crane Clan’s naval expansion. Although Chomei is killed in action in the great battle off Mura Sabishii Toshi in the year 1142, the organization he has created lives on and teaches its Technique to the clan’s next generation of naval warriors.

School Type
Clan School
Doji Magistrate 3, Daidoji Iron Warrior 4
School Techniques
Chomei’s Courage - The aquatic soldiers who come to be known as the Doji Marines are trained to fight on the pitching decks of ships and to conduct boarding actions against enemy vessels, using the heave and pitch of a moving ship to their advantage. You do not suffer any TN penalties for fighting on slick, irregular, or moving surfaces/terrain. If you are in the Attack or Full Attack stance in a situation where such a penalty would normally have applied, you add a +Xk0 bonus to your melee attack rolls, where X is equal to your Reflexes.
Sailing 3
Path Technique Rank