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The Daidoji family handles many dishonorable activities which the rest of the Crane cannot sully their hands with, and one of those activities is running the information networks which keep the clan aware of rival and enemy plans. Those experienced Daidoji who exhibit the proper mixture of pragmatism and loyalty, along with the ability to avoid attention, are sometimes recruited to be Spymasters, running these networks and funneling the resulting information to the Doji and Kakita.

School Type
Clan School
Daidoji Iron Warrior 3, Daidoji Scout 3, Doji Courtier 3
School Techniques
Truth in Shadows - You gain the Spy Network Advantage for no points; if you already possess this Advantage, you may use it twice as often. You gain a +2k0 bonus to Stealth, Investigation, and Temptation rolls. When you use Low Skills or otherwise perform moderately dishonorable actions on behalf of the Crane Clan, you lose half the normal amount of Honor, rounded up (you still lose normal amounts of Honor for actions which are not for the Crane and for truly heinous actions like murder, betrayal, or blasphemy).
Crafty Advantage, or an Honor Rank of 4.0 or less. Must be a member of the Daidoji family.
Path Technique Rank