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The Asahina shugenja follow the path of peace and beauty, finding harmony in the tranquility of nature. Over the years they have become masters of a secret art of creation that allows them to imbue magical power into small objects. These items, called tsangusuri, temporarily give their bearers the ability to ask for the blessings of the kami. Each item is painstakingly made to honor the Elements and to reflect the Crane vision of a beautiful world.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Asahina Shugenja 2
School Techniques
The World in the Palm of the Hand - The Asahina are the finest crafters of tsangusuri (fetishes) in the world of Rokugan, and their treasures are highly prized. When using an Artisan Skill or a Craft skill to create a small token of some kind, you may spend a Void Point to confer a one-time blessing into the token. Whoever is in possession of the token may activate this blessing at any time. Whenever activated, the token grants a bonus of +2k0 to one High Skill Roll. No more than one token may be used per day per individual.
However, it is also possible to create more [[[advanced fetishes]]] which grant more potent blessings. The GM may represent this by allowing the shugenja to call Raises on the Craft or Artisan Skill Roll associated with making the fetish, or having the shugenja expend more spell slots in its creation.
One Craft or Artisan Skill at rank 3
Path Technique Rank