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Although the Aerie is the smaller of the two main ports established within the Colonies, it is nevertheless a very important holding for the Crane Clan. It allows them to challenge the Mantis Clan’s dominance of trade in the Colonies, and it is the seat of their diplomatic relationships with the Dragon Clan. The Crane seek to emphasize the city’s value and contributions to the Colonies at every opportunity. The falconers of the Aerie are unquestionably the finest in the Colonies, and some would even say in the Empire as well. Falconry is a noble sport, a pursuit suitable for courtiers, warriors, and even the occasional priest who finds it of interest. A great many important political negotiations have begun or ended on the hunting fields, with raptors on arm, often between individuals who might otherwise not have found common ground.

School Type
Clan School
Doji Courtier 2, Kakita Bushi 2, Daidoji Iron Warrior 4
School Techniques
Spirit of the Falcon - A gifted falconer can use his bird as if it were an extension of his own body, a weapon of amazing range and ferocity. When hunting with a trained falcon, if you spend a Void Point on a Hunting Skill Roll you also gain a number of bonus unkept dice equal to half your Animal Handling (Falcon) Skill (rounding down). Additionally, you may issue a verbal command as a Free Action to a trained falcon already in the air to attack a particular enemy, as long as that enemy is not a large obvious predator the falcon would fear (such as a bear or a lion).
Animal Handling (Falcon) 3
Path Technique Rank
2 or 4