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The Snipers are an outgrowth of the fall of Hiruma lands in the eighth century, and the Path does not exist prior to that era. they are trained to stay calm and shoot accurately even when assailed by terrifying monsters, targeting their foes' weak points.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Hiruma Scout 4, or Hiruma Bushi 4
School Techniques
The Crab's Eyes - The Hiruma Snipers are trained to strike at specific weak points in their targets, getting their arrows past both mortal armor and monstrous shells and carapaces. You may attack with a yumi as a simple action. When making a ranged attack with a yumi, you may ignore all of the target's natural Reduction (e.g. Reduction from armor or natural protection) and half that much Reduction from magical effects.
Kyujutsu 5, Reflexes 4
Path Technique Rank