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A tiny off-shoot of the Falcon Clan's bushi traditions, the Falcon's Strike Dojo becomes much larger and more influential after the Falcon are absorbed into the Crab Clan in the early twelfth century. The dojo selects its students for keen vision and sharp senses, and they learn to reply on focused senses rather than the mechanics of drawing and firing to hit their targets.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Toritaka Bushi 2, Hiruma Scout 2, or Hiruma Bushi 2
School Techniques
Spotting the Prey - The Falcon's Strike is taught to use the bushi's deep awareness of their surroundings to strike the target regardless of concealment. When making a range attack with a bow, you may use your Perception in place of your Reflexes for attack rolls. When using a yumi, you may also use your Perception in place of the bow's Strength for damage rolls.
Kyujutsu (Yumi) 3
Path Technique Rank