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While many see being assigned as a tender of the Emperor’s favored menagerie as a sign that one has clearly displeased a superior of great influence, many of those who ‘earn’ such a promotion have taken to it with all the devotion and duty that such an important role requires. A small number of them have even managed to learn something from studying such proud and self-important animals.

School Type
Clan School
School Techniques
Rank One: Deeds of the Peacock

Those who are fortunate enough to earn a place in this highly selective group have learned to wield the power of their position in conjunction with the disregard most of the Empire pays their deeds. If during a contested social roll, your Status is higher than your opponent and your Glory is lower than your opponent, add twice your rank in Animal Handling to the result of your roll.

Rank Two: Grace of the Peafowl

The Peacock is known for its awesome strut and magnificent plumage which it uses to both frighten off enemies and attract mates. You must spend a Void Point to activate this ability. For every consecutive round in which you both move and speak, you gain a cumulative +1k0 to all Intimidation and Temptation rolls to a maximum of +5k0. While this ability is active Intimidation and Temptation do not count as low skills for you.

Rank Three: Call of the Golden Peacock

Once per session you may ‘recommend’ another samurai, with lower status than yours, for service in this most exclusive of positions, they immediately gain a number of status points equal to the difference in status ranks between you. However they also lose 1 full rank of Glory for every point of status they gain as the mere mention of their name in such circles causes others to think that they have fallen into disfavor. This cannot reduce their Glory below their Insight Rank.