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The Imperial families are not generally given a great deal of consideration by the average citizen of Rokugan. Even most members of the samurai caste go their entire lives while glimpsing only one or two true Imperials, and many of the more remote family branches never encounter one for generations at a time. The Imperial families are simply smaller than most of those who serve the clans, and their spheres of influence are relatively limited in comparison to their clan counterparts. Even the well-traveled Imperial heralds of the Miya family tend to stick to clearly defined travel routes, avoiding the Empire’s more remote districts for decades or even centuries at a time. In some cases this can lead to a misperception of the Imperials as dangerous or hostile individuals who desire only the obedience and submission of other samurai. While this is untrue in the main, there are a few individuals who prove it correct.

Scions of the Imperial families are utterly ruthless individuals who have mastered the manipulation of their own social standing to decimate their enemies. Standing against a scion in court is tantamount to ruination for all but the most skilled or highest-ranking samurai. These scions most often come from the Otomo family, which teaches their secret techniques in its most prestigious and elite dojo. Much more rarely, members of the Miya or Seppun families are permitted to train there as well. The scions are rarely liked, frequently sought as allies, and almost always feared for the power they can and will bring to bear on any who arouse their ire.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Required Skills
School Techniques
The Awe of the Throne

A true scion of the Imperial families knows how to use his social position to his advantage in nearly any situation. Any time you are called upon to make a Skill Roll, or to use your Glory or Honor rank, you may spend a Void Point to instead substitute your Status Rank.

The Strength of the Throne

As a champion of the Imperial line, you can ensure that those who oppose you suffer mightily for their temerity. After conversing with an opponent of lower Status Rank for a few minutes, you may force that opponent to make an opposed Courtier / Etiquette roll against you. If you defeat your opponent at the roll, you may reduce his Status by a number of points up to a maximum of twice your Insight Rank.

The Terror of the Throne

There is virtually no one who is immune to the power of an Imperial scion. While conversing with an opponent of equal or lower Status Rank, you may force a Contested Void Roll. If you are successful, you can permanently give the opponent any one Social Disadvantage. Alternatively, you can force the opponent to become ronin, but the technique can only be used in this manner once every six months. Forcing a samurai to become ronin in this way costs you 5 points each of Glory, Honor, and Status.

Required Other
Only members of the Imperial families may take ranks in this Advanced School; Status 4 or higher