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The Brothers of the Order of Rebirth come from a militant tradition of sohei who once served in the ranks of the Order of Thunder devoted to Osano-Wo, the Fortune of Fire and Thunder. The Order embraces new paths and philosophies in an attempt to unlock new truths about both the self and the universe. Their subtle disregard for tradition has earned them a fair amount of disdain from other sects, but the brothers of Rebirth tend to ignore this hostility; as an oft-repeated maxim of their sect observes, the first step upon a new path is always the most difficult.

School Type
Clan School
School Honor
School Techniques
- Changing the Way The Brothers of Rebirth celebrate different approaches in all their myriad of forms. Each time in a given encounter that you attempt to utilize a Kiho of a different Element than any Kiho previously used in the same encounter, you gain a bonus of +5 on the activation roll.