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School Type
Clan School
School Skills
School Honor
School Outfit
Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Travelling Pack, Daisho, Yumi and any 20 arrows, any one weapon, 1 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Winds of War

A young Karasu bushi learns that there are many ways to wage war, but like many things in life they are an illusion, and are in fact all one. You gain +1k0 to all your attack rolls, regardless of what weapon you are using. This also applies to unarmed and ranged attacks.

Rank Two: Never Without an Edge

Samurai are warriors, and as such cannot afford to be defenseless at any time. The Raven learns to always be on guard, and to strike hard once the fight begins. You gain +2k0 to all rolls to avoid being surprised. Furthermore, you can add +2k0 to your first damage roll in each fight, regardless of what weapon you are using, or even if unarmed or using improvised or ranged weapons.

Rank Three: The Raven’s Wings

At this point the Raven begins to better understand how all moves flow into a single one, and is able to attack his enemies from many directions at once. You can attack as a simple action when using one of your school skills, including kyujutsu and jiujutsu.

Rank Four: The Fortunes’ Blessing

While mercenaries, the Raven believe they are doing their duty by waging wars for the other Clans in service to the Empire. This faith carries them through many battles, enabling them to push themselves further than other samurai would. You can reduce all your wound penalties by an amount equal to your Lore: Theology skill rank.

Rank Five: No More Light

This dangerous and cruel technique has been said to have been told to Karasu himself by a monk, who had abandoned the blade after using it only once. It allows a Raven samurai to slice at his opponent’s eyes, causing blindness and excruciating pain. To activate it, the Karasu bushi must first spend a Void point, and then succeed on an attack roll with three raises. If successful, the target is blinded for the reminder of the combat.

Additionally, unless the target succeeds at a TN 20 Willpower they are unable to fight, and are considered to be at the Down wound rank until they receive some help. With five raises, instead of three, the target permanently acquires the Blind disadvantage, and the TN of the Willpower to remain standing is now TN30. At the GM’s discretion, usage of this technique can cause an honor loss if inappropriate, such as in a first blood duel or against an unarmed target. It can only be attempted once per day, whether successful or not.