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A Seppun knows from birth that he is born to protect the Emperor from anything that may threaten him. A safe Emperor means a united Rokugan, and Seppun ensure the bright future of the Empire by fulfilling their duty. When chosen for this prestigious service, the Seppun Guardsman, also known as a Miharu, sacrifices everything in his life for the job. After all, nothing else is significant when set against the task of protecting the Imperial House.

The Seppun Guardsman School holds defense as its highest priority. The Guardsman learns to put the life of his charge above everything else, including his own survival. The Guardsman becomes stalwart against any sources of corruption that may interfere with his job, and learns to be always aware of his surroundings, ready to identify any threat before it may approach his change.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 Weapon, Traveling Pack, 10 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Never in Darkness

The Seppun are taught to be unswerving in their Honor, and nothing can draw them away from their duty. Any time you are rolling to resist a Social Skill roll which could tempt or lead you away from your duty - such as Temptation, Intimidation, or even Courtier - you roll additional unkept dice equal to your School Rank. You gain a +1k1 bonus any time you are making an Investigation roll to detect an ambush or surprise attack.

Rank Two: The Clouds Part

The Seppun's blows are infused with his dedication to the Emperor's cause. At the start of your Turn, you may spend a Void Point to add your Honor Rank to the total of your attack and damage rolls until your Next Turn.

Rank Three: Sun's Light Reveals

The Seppun's dedication now allows him to see through all manner of deceptions, even magical ones. At any time you may choose to spend a Void point as a Free Action to roll Investigation (Notice) / Perception at TN 25. With a success, you immediately see through all disguises and illusions around you, whether normal or magical in nature. If you are in the presence of the Emperor, his immediate family, or a major Imperial Official (Chancellor, Shogun, etc) you do not need to spend a Void Point to activate this Technique. Once you have pierced a specific disguise/illusion, it no longer has any effect on you (although a new disguise or illusion you encounter later will function normally).

Rank Four: Speed of Heaven

The power of Heaven infuses the Seppun's arm, allowing him to strike with greater speed. You may now attack as a Simple Action when using weapons with the Samurai keyword.

Rank Five: Heaven Never Falls

The true Seppun bodyguard is never caught off-guard, and can protect his charge even when surprised or disabled. Any time you are within 20' of a person you are guarding, you may spend a Void Point to leap in front of a blow or spell which is targeting your charge. The damage is automatically applied to you instead of your charge. If you are still standing (not Down or Out) after this damage, you may immediately take an extra Simple Action, which may be used for any purpose including an attack. This Technique can be used even if your character is Blinded, Prone, Stunned, Dazed, Entangled, or at the Down Wound Rank (but not Grappled or at the Out Wound Rank).