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(This School derives from an alternate timeline where Togashi defeated Hantei and became the first emperor, with Hantei creating the Owl Clan, specialized with dealing with nonhuman creatures. As a result, it does not exist in the main timeline, although GMs can, as usual, adapt it if needed)

School Type
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Court robes, fan, traveling pack, 5 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Wisdom of the Owl

The basic technique of the Otomo Diplomat is to find ways to relate successfully to all parties, human and nonhuman alike, smoothing over misunderstandings and conflicts. You gain a +1k0 bonus to your Etiquette rolls. During any social interaction with "nonhumans", you may as a Free Action roll Lore: Nonhumans / Intelligence at TN 20 to remember an important aspect of social interaction with those nonhumans (the GM chooses the specific thing you remember, but it will always be something useful to the situation).

Rank Two: Unity of the Realms

Because the Otomo specialize in negotiating with the "nonhuman" races, they have many friends, allies, and contacts among them. Any time you encounter a "nonhuman" in a non-hostile environment, you may roll Courtier / Awareness at TN 25. With a success, the "nonhuman" will treat you as an Ally with Devotion 2 for the remainder of the encounter (unless you actively do something to threaten or harm it).

Rank Three: the Voice of Heaven

When understanding does not work, the Otomo have another method: cowing others by invoking the awesome authority of the Celestial Heavens. When you spend a Void Point on an Intimidation roll, you gain +2k2 instead of the normal +1k1. If the roll is made against a "nonhuman" opponent, the bonus is +3k2 instead. Either way, you do not lose Honor for using Intimidation in this manner.

Rank Four: Uphold the Peace

At this rank, the Otomo Diplomat is able to call on the awesome repute of the clan founder, Hantei himself, to impose peace on all manner of confrontations. At the start of a skirmish, or during your Turn on any later Round in such a skirmish, you may take a Complex Action to spend a Void Point and demand an immediate cessation of hostilities. You make a Contested Intimidation / Willpower roll against all those within hearing, gaining a +3k0 bonus against any of those targets who are "nonhumans". Any combatants who lose the roll must cease all offensive action until they are attacked or until three Rounds have passed.

This Technique cannot work against Shadowlands creatures or denizens of Jigoku or Tengoku. Using Intimidation in this manner does not cost you Honor.

Rank Five: Hantei’s Mandate

The Otomo may now bring the full weight of Hantei’s Celestial favor to bear against those who trouble Ningen-do. You gain an additional +3k0 bonus to your Intimidation rolls with your Rank Four Technique (this stacks with the +3k0 bonus against "nonhumans" in that Technique).