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Like the Seppun, the Otomo are dedicated to the safety of the Emperor. The Otomo simply choose more underhanded methods to prove that devotion. The power of the Emperor must remain strong and unchallenged. This can only happen if no one can gather enough strength to topple the pillars of the Emperor's authority. The Otomo sow suspicion and distrust amongst the Great Clans to prevent any malicious schemes from taking root among them.

The Otomo Courtiers, also known as Seiyaju, focus on fully utilizing the tools at their disposal. As an Imperial family, the Otomo automatically garner respect and power from every honorable samurai. The Otomo learns to push this advantage as far as he can to make others cower under the weight of Imperial decree. He uses every underhanded trick in the book, knowing that his blood protects him from the repercussions.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Traditional Clothing, Wakizashi, Knife, Calligraphy Set, 10 Koku
School Techniques
Rank One: The Voice of Heaven

The Otomo believe that nothing done in the name of the Emperor and Imperial authority can ever be truly dishonorable. Their appointed role within the Empire is to spread conflict between the clans so they cannot unite against Imperial power, and the Otomo do this without hesitation. You do not lose Honor for using the Intimidation (Control) Skill. Any time you are in conversation with someone from one of the clans (Great or Minor), you may make a Contested Roll of your Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness to provoke a disagreement or argument between them and someone from another clan or faction of your choice.

Rank Two: Destiny Has No Secrets

The Otomo have information networks that rival those of the Scorpion, and can call on them in almost any part of the Empire. If you have the opportunity to seek out your contacts, you may spend a Void Point to roll Courtier / Awareness at TN 25 to learn one piece of critically useful information (chosen by the GM).

Rank Three: My Master's Voice

The Otomo speak with the direct authority of the Emperor, and the more experienced among them have mastered the art of "obiesaseru", using the authority of the Son of Heaven to stun their foes. You may only use this Technique against honorable samurai (Honor Rank 1.0 or better) who revere the Emperor - criminals, bandits, the Lost, and nonhumans are immune to its effects. To use obiesaseru, you must take a Complex Action to pause, gather your willpower, and shout an appropriate command (typically something like, "Stop in the name of the Emperor!"). You make a Contested Social Skill roll of Intimidation (Control) / Willpower against the target's Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. (If the target sincerely believes he is acting honorably, he gains a Free Raise to his roll.) If you win the roll, on his next Turn the target may not move, attack, cast spells, or perform any other action that would directly obstruct or threaten you or your immediate friends/allies (GM's discretion as to who is considered your ally). He may, however, attack others who are not your allies, and regardless he can always use the Defense and full Defense Postures.

Rank Four: The Emperor's Protection

As a favored servant of Imperial power, the Otomo is under special protection, and can easily crush those foolish enough to disagree with him in public. Any time you are in an argument or debate with another person, you may spend a Void Point to make a Contested Roll of your Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness. If you win the roll, they must either agree with your position or immediately lose 5 points of Honor.

Rank Five: The Virtues of Command

The Otomo is now able to bring the full power of Imperial authority to bear on those who displease him. When making an Contested Social Roll against someone who reveres Imperial authority, you may gain a +5k0 bonus on your roll.