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The Miya are Imperial messengers, charged with spreading the words of the Emperor and the Imperial Court to even the most remote regions of Rokugan. While they are protected in most areas by the Imperial status, the Miya must often travel to places of great conflict and danger. Occasionally bandits and criminals become unreasonable or desperate and attack the herald. Thankfully, the Miya is well trained for that eventuality.

The Miya Herald School focuses on building trust and cordiality with everyone in the Miya's path. He speaks with confidence and composure to ease tensions and smooth altercations. The Miya learns ways to boost his defenses and spread peace to achieve the dream of a strong, united empire.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Sensible Clothing, Wakizashi, Calligraphy Set, Horse (Rokugani pony), 10 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Voice of the Emperor

The Miya learn the ways of the Empire, so they can spread the word of the Emperor far and wide, and the art of non-aggression, so their words will be heard by all who respect the Emperor. While inside the borders of the Empire, you may spend a Void Point to gain the Way of the Land Advantage for the province you currently occupy - this effect lasts until you next sleep. Also, any Rokugani who reveres the Emperor and who knowingly and deliberately attacks you will automatically lose a number of points of Honor equal to twice your School Rank.

Rank Two: Eyes of the Emperor

The Miya serve as peacekeepers as well as messengers, brokering treaties between warring factions in the Empire, and learn to remain impartial under the most intense pressure. You may add your Honor Rank to all Etiquette (Courtesy) skill rolls made to resist others' attempts to influence you.

Rank Three: Hand of the Emperor

The Miya's aura of peacefulness and non-aggression has now reached the point where it becomes difficult for honorable foes to attack him at all. At the start of a skirmish, or during the Reactions Step of any later round in a skirmish, you may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to prevent any Rokugani who reveres the Emperor from being able to harm you before the next Reactions step. (They can still attempt to capture or restrain you in a non-damaging way.) This Technique only takes effect as long as the Miya is not participating in the skirmish or in a duel.

Rank Four: Blessing of the Emperor

At this rank, the Miya have developed a personality strong enough to impose their demand for peace on the more violent individuals around them, in what is essentially a specialized form of the Otomo technique of obiesaseru. This may be done a number of times per session equal to your School Rank, but you may only use this Technique against honorable samurai (Honor Rank 1.0 or better) who revere the Emperor - criminals, bandits, the Lost, and nonhumans are immune to its effects. To use this Technique, you take a Complex Action to step forward and forcefully demand an end to violence. ("This brawling will cease, in the name of the Emperor!") You make a Contested Roll of your Courtier (Rhetoric) / Awareness against the Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower of all affected person within hearing. All individuals who lose the roll must immediately cease all aggressive action, and cannot attack or cast offensive spells until they take damage or you give them permission to fight. (They can still use defensive abilities and the Defense and Full Defense stances.) The effect lasts for one minute, and the Technique can be used on the same targets again if it is resisted or expires. This Techniques affects both enemies and allies.

Rank Five: Glory of the Emperor

The Herald is now a true master of non-aggression and diplomacy. When rolling with the Courtier or Etiquette skills against a target with at least Honor 1.0, you may add a +5k0 bonus to the roll.