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The Chuda Shugenja School was formed with some of the same techniques the Phoenix Inquisitors use to this very day. The founder Isawa Chuda was an Imperial Magistrate, sworn to destroy maho-tsukai. Unfortunately, the descendants of the Chuda have become exactly what Isawa Chuda swore to destroy.

The original Chuda Shugenja School was designed to do one thing: destroy the forces of the Shadowlands. The Chuda would hunt Tainted maho-tsukai and bring down the wrath of the elements on their heads. The Chuda learns to penetrate the substantial defenses of any monsters a maho-tsukai may summon, and his focus on Earth spells allows him to learn the Jade spells required to punish the wicked.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Robes, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
School Techniques
To Punish the Wicked - Isawa Chuda was a ruthless persecutor of the Shadowlands, and his techniques live on in those who bear his name. You may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to negate an amount of Reduction equal to your School Rank from one targeted opponent. You also add your School Rank to the total of any damage roll made by a spell you cast against a target who possesses the Shadowlands Taint.