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The Monkey Clan has the blessing of the Imperial line and access to skilled experts in the field of war. Hundreds of ronin teachers have stepped through the dojo doors, ready to impart knowledge on an eager audience. These diverse skills were distilled into a single, cohesive fighting style that contains the best aspects of each lesson given in the Monkey dojo.

The Toku Bushi School teaches techniques to help fight against multiple enemies. The Toku learns the keep his head in the face of overwhelming odds and to fight on without hesitation. He sharpens his concentration and resolve to supernatural heights, and his calm on the battlefield becomes one of his greatest weapons.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 Weapon, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Toku's Lesson

A Monkey Bushi will prevail, even in the face of the most difficult odds. You add +1k0 to all Skill Rolls with a TN of 25 or higher. (This includes attack rolls.) Additionally, all your Wound Penalties are reduced by an amount equal to your Willpower plus double your School Rank.

Rank Two: The Strength of One Man

As a member of a very small Minor Clan, the Toku bushi is accustomed to fighting against the odds. While facing multiple opponents or an enemy with a higher Insight Rank, you add +1k1 to your attack and damage rolls.

Rank Three: Courage Above All

The Toku bushi calls on the courage of his Clan's founder to speed his own attacks. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.

Rank Four: Forge Your Own Fate

The Toku Bushi learns to dodge the worst of any attack. You may spend a Void Point when suffering Wounds to force your opponent to drop his two highest dice from his damage roll, even if this would reduce the total amount of kept dice. This cannot reduce the damage roll to less than 1k1.

Rank Five: Fortune Favors the Mortal Man

The Toku bushi earns his good blessings with his own sheer tenacity. Once per Round, you may spend a Void Point to reroll any roll. You add +2k1 to the new roll. You may choose to keep the new roll or your original roll.