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The Horiuchi family was formed late in the history of the Unicorn, but the shugenja school bears their name in modern times has an ancient history with roots from before the Great Clan's return to their ancestral home in Rokugan. During their travels outside the borders of the Emerald Empire, the Unicorn discovered many different methods and styles of magic among both their allies and enemies, incorporating them into a single method. After the Horiuchi family was formed they became some of the foremost practitioners of the meishodo method and in modern times the school bears the Horiuchi name.

The original gaijin sorcerers who created name magic could not speak to the elemental kami and had no direct access to the gods. Instead, they forged amulets of power that could simulate magical effects by invoking the true names of the elements. When the Unicorn studied this magic, they realized it trapped a kami into the item, forcing it to reproduce a single effect whenever the sorcerer focused his will into it. The Unicorn changed and adapted the process to fit their own beliefs. Their meishodo amulets no longer trap the kami, but instead appeal to the elements surrounding the amulet to perform the desired magical effects. However, somewhat like the gaijin originals, a Unicorn meishodo amulet contains only one unalterable effect that can be invoked in this manner.

Meishodo is a Unicorn secret, jealously guarded by all of the clan. Meishodo sacrifices power for speed, using a brief incantation rather than an extended dialogue with the kami, and speed has always been an important aspect of the unicorn approach to life.

School Type
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Robes, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll/Amulet Satchel, Traveling Pack, 4 koku
School Techniques
Mysteries of Meishodo - Meishodo is a mixture of gaijin and Rokugani magic, resulting in a fast and powerful method of calling the kami. Shugenja studying these methods learn to create meishodo amulets, keyed to invoke the elements in specific ways. You may create a magical amulet by making a successful roll of Craft: Meishodo/Ring, using the Ring for the desired spell. The TN of this roll is equal to 15 plus 5 x the spell's Mastery Level. Creating a meishodo requires a number of hours equal to the spell's Mastery Level. If the roll is successful, you create a small charm imbued with the prayer to the kami that will cast the chosen spell. Each meishodo stores only one spell, and is used in place of the scroll normally required to cast the spell. Casting a spell through a meishodo requires only one Complex Action, regardless of the Mastery Level of the spell. You do not have to make a Spell Casting Roll to cast the spell, but the spell cannot gain any benefits from Raises (not even Free Raises). You expend a spell slot as normal. You may only create meishodo from spells of a Mastery Level equal or less than your Shugenja School Rank, and can never create meishodo from spells of Mastery Level 4, 5, or 6. Other shugenja may use your meishodo if they are proficient in meishodo magic (e.g. trained in this school).