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The so-called free ogres, once they begin to slip free of Jigoku’s direct control, quickly discover they remember an ancient set of techniques that can be put to tremendous use in a fight. While an average ogre is already a respectable opponent, those who know the techniques of their bushi school are much more dangerous. Muhomono, the legendary king of ogres and supposedly perfect ogre warrior, epitomized these techniques, so mastering them is a source of pride and glory for free ogres. They revel in the rediscovery of their culture and try to approach the excellence of their long-dead king.

The techniques of this school emphasize the ogres’ superior strength and size, focusing these natural advantages into deadly weapons. While the school’s techniques outwardly barely look different from a savage ogre’s normal assault, this is deceptive; the free ogre school is actually quite sophisticated in its methods. The fact it is not recognized as such by humans is only one more advantage for the ogres. This school can only be taken by an ogre. No other race would ever be allowed to learn Muhomono’s sacred techniques.

Note: Ogres have their own concept of Honor, but it is not one shared by the Rokugani.

School Type
Clan School
School Skills
Battle, Defense, Jiujutsu, Heavy Weapons (ogres treat any large club, tree-trunk, etc, Hunting, Intimidation (Bullying), Stealth
School Honor
School Outfit
Heavy Armor, Tattered Clothing, any 2 weapons.
School Techniques
Rank One: Muhomono’s Strength

Named for the legendary king of ogres, this technique comes as a profound revelation to most free ogres as they reconnect with their race’s ancient legacy. It allows the ogre to focus its strength into more powerful blows, instead of wasting it like his savage cousins. Before rolling Initiative, you may choose to inflict a -1k1 penalty on your Initiative roll. If you do, you gain +2k0 on all damage rolls for the rest of the skirmish. Also, you gain a Free Raise on all Intimidation (Bullying) rolls.

Rank Two: Muhomono’s Eyes

The great Muhomono won many fi ghts with his terrifying gaze, striking fear into his opponents before the fight even began. Your Fear rating is increased by 1, and you add +1k0 to your attack rolls against any opponent who failed to resist your Fear.

Rank Three: Muhomono’s Speed

The ogre warrior strikes his opponent with speed and strength, certain in his superiority over any opponent. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action while using large weapons, Heavy Weapons, or unarmed attacks.

Rank Four: Muhomono’s Arm

The broad and powerful arm of the ogre bushi carries over from one opponent to another, never slowing down. Once per skirmish, if you successfully hit an opponent with a melee attack, you may immediately infl ict the same damage roll on another opponent of your choice within 5 feet of the first one, without making an attack roll against the second opponent. This does not count as a separate attack.

Rank Five: Muhomono’s Armor

A true ogre bushi knows that physical armor is only a disguise - the true warrior needs nothing more than his skin and determination. Your natural Reduction increases to 20.