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The Asako are monastic and scholarly by nature, and nowhere is this more evident than in the courtier tradition they maintain on behalf of the Phoenix Clan. Their training consists of extensive studies in a large number of subjects, some of which may be chosen by the students themselves. A broad knowledge base gives the Asako a frame of reference from which to examine any new data or situation, and allows them great insight into the social situation of court.

The Loremasters specialize in scholarly pursuits, and use those as a means of succeeding in social situations. Asako courtiers use Lore Skills to augment their Social Skills, gaining influence and success in court through their learned natures.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Sensible Clothing, Wakizashi, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: Temple of the Soul

The Asako are historians and scholars, and their studies are broader than those of any others in the Empire. They pride themselves on the depth of their knowledge in all fields of intellectual endeavor. They also share the Phoenix devotion to peace and civility, relying on genteel discourse to resolve problems. You gain a Free Raise on any Skill Roll with a Lore Skill. Any time you spend a Void Point on an Etiquette Skill Roll, you gain a bonus of +3k1 to the total of the roll instead of the normal +1k1.

Rank Two: From the Ashes

The Asako Loremasters' in-depty study of historical events allows them to detect subtle patterns in behavior in every court, patterns invisible to their more worldly rivals from the other Clans. After spending at least one day observing the events in a particular court, you can roll Lore: History / Perception at TN 20 to gain a bonus +2k0 to the total of all your Social Skill Rolls for the next two days, so long as your remain in that court. (This Technique's effect can be re-activated with another skill roll when it expires - it is not necessary to spend additional days observing so long as you remain in the same court.)

Rank Three: Voice of the Universe

As the Asako's training progresses, his recall of obscure historical facts allows him to provide useful contemporary advice to his allies. You may spend an hour conversing with a friend or ally and then roll Lore: History / Intelligence at TN 25. With a success, that ally may add your Lore: History Skill Rank to the total of any Social Skill Rolls he makes within the next twenty-four hours. You may Raise twice to affect one (and only one) additional ally, provided that ally also participates in the conversation. (This Technique cannot be used on the same person again until its effect expires.)

Rank Four: Invincible Mind

The enlightened and educated Asako can see through the games, tricks, and deceits of the material world. Any time you fail a Contested Social Skill Roll to resist someone trying to influence your emotions, opinions, or behavior (such as with the Courtier, Temptation, or Intimidation skills), you may re-roll using Intelligence as the Trait for the second roll in place of whichever Trait was originally required. You must keep the result of the second roll. This Technique cannot be used to resist Fear.

Rank Five: Wisdom of the Ages

At this rank, the Asako truly demonstrate that the wisdom of the Phoenix is eternal. Any time you are rolling a Lore Skill, including for your other School Techniques, you gain a +5k0 bonus to the total of the roll.