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12Shameful Past
36Illustrious Past
70Mixed Blessing

Unicorn Heritage

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1Your ancestor was a Moto who fell to the Shadowlands, and he would very much like you to join him. You gain the Disadvantage Cursed by Jigoku.
23As part of an investigation, your ancestor uncovered a dirty secret about another family… and spread the news widely. You gain the Rumormonger Disadvantage.
45Your ancestor ran from his duties to the Unicorn and became a ronin. Although your family has survived, the shame still stains your reputation. You lose 0.5 Glory and 0.5 Status.
67Your ancestor was on the losing side during one of the famous battles of her day. You lose 1.0 Glory.
89Your ancestor was a Battle Maiden who betrayed her oath of chastity. Her passionate nature has passed down to you. You gain the Lechery Disadvantage.
0Your ancestors were cursed by a gaijin wizard. Your family has been unable to lift the curse despite generations of effort. You gain the Weakness Disadvantage in a Trait chosen by the GM.

Shameful Unicorn Past

Table Type
1You can trace your lineage back to the founding Kami, Lady Shinjo. You may take a Unicorn Ancestor for 2 less Experience Points.
23Your ancestor was an Ujik-hai who joined the clan via a blood oath. You may take the Gaijin Gear Advantage for 2 less Experience Points.
45Your ancestor fought bravely in a famous battle of his day, and you strive to live up to his glorious example. You gain 0.5 Glory and 1 free Rank in the Battle Skill.
67Your ancestor died while protecting a commander in the army of an allied clan. They have not forgotten his sacrifice. You may take a free 3-point Ally from that clan.
89Your ancestor died in a successful fi ghting retreat, saving her comrades. Her skills are reborn in you. You may take the Tactician Advantage for 1 less point.
0Your ancestor was a loyal samurai rewarded by his lord for years of dutiful service. His legacy has passed to you. You may purchase the Unicorn Sacred Weapon Advantage for 2 less Experience Points.

Illustrious Unicorn Past

1Your ancestor fell to the Lying Darkness, and your family has fought against it ever since. You gain the Shadow as a Sworn Enemy, but you have a small crystal item (a pendant, earring, or necklace).
23Your ancestor was originally from another clan, but joined the Unicorn through a politically arranged marriage. You may call in a favor from that clan, but once you do you will become Obligated to them.
45Your ancestor joined the Kolat, and your bloodline has served the conspiracy ever since. You gain the Advantage Forbidden Knowledge: Kolat but also gain the Disadvantage Dark Secret: Kolat.
67Your ancestor was a highly successful merchant in foreign lands. You inherited a strange artifact from him, but no one has any idea what it does.
89Your family has struggled financially, and you have been forced to study the ways of coin and craft in order to compensate. You start with 4 less koku in your Outfit, but you gain 1 free Rank in Commerce and 1 free Rank in a Craft Skill of your choice.
0Your ancestor met a jinn while wandering the Burning Sands. They had a long and fruitful affair. You occasionally have strange urges and odd dreams...

Unicorn Mixed Blessings

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