1 | Your ancestor was a shugenja of some renown with her Element, but was absolutely terrible with the opposing Element. You may take the Friend of the Elements (Element of your choice) Advantage for 1 less Experience Point, but also gain Wrath of the Kami in the opposing Element. |
23 | A kansen tempted your ancestor into using maho, leaving a stain on your family name. The kansen has since found you. It acts as the Friendly Kami advantage, but the bonuses only apply to casting Maho spells. |
45 | One of your ancestors went missing for several months. No one is sure where he went, but when he returned he had no memories save for a message he claimed was from the Celestial Heavens. You may take the Advantage Chosen by the Oracles for 2 less Experience Points, but you also gain the Disadvantage Lord Moon’s Curse. |
67 | Your ancestor was repeatedly defeated at something, and your family has made a point of being the best at it ever since. Choose a Skill. You gain the Jealousy Disadvantage in that Skill, but you also gain either 2 free Ranks in that Skill or one free Emphasis in that Skill. |
89 | Your ancestor was a well-known mediator. In one particularly dangerous situation she took extreme and dishonorable measures to preserve the peace. Her dishonor and success both linger. You start with 1.0 less Honor but also gain a 2-point Ally in another clan. |
0 | Your family has always been one of the guardians of Gisei Toshi. You have access to the sacred knowledge and hidden items within Gisei Toshi should you need them, but you must never tell anyone about the city’s location. Gain Dark Secret: Location of Gisei Toshi. |