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14Shameful Past
57Illustrious Past
80Mixed Blessing

Mantis Heritage

Table Type
1Your ancestor thought he was the one in charge of the scam-he was wrong. His weakness is yours as well. You gain the Can’t Lie Disadvantage.
23Your ancestor fought on the losing side in a famous battle. He was convinced the Mantis would win... right up until the end. You gain the Overconfident Disadvantage.
45Your line is fi lled with pirates. One ancestor was particularly noted for harassing other clans. You gain a Sworn Enemy in a clan of the GM’s choice.
67Your ancestor fought and died in a war far from Rokugan’s shores. No one in Rokugan has ever heard of it, nor would they want to. Lose 1.0 Glory.
89Your family was on the losing side of a commercial dispute and has never recovered. You gain the Disadvantage Seven Fortune’s Curse: Daikoku.
0One of your ancestors committed seppuku to atone for the Gusai family’s treachery. You gain Social Disadvantage: Gusai Ancestor.

Shameful Mantis Past

Table Type
1Your ancestor was a merchant patron of some renown within the Empire. You start with 2 extra koku in your Outfi t.
23Your ancestor proved himself during one of the great battles of his time, and his derring-do is still remembered today. His blood runs true in your veins. You may purchase the Daredevil Advantage for 1 less Experience Point.
45Your ancestor was a legendary sailor and explorer. You gain 1 free Rank in either the Sailing Skill or the Navigation Skill.
67You can trace your family line back to Kaimetsu-Uo himself. You may take the Blood of Osano-Wo Advantage for 1 less point.
89Your ancestor was a mercenary in the early days of the Mantis Clan. He made contacts across the Empire, but became especially good friends while serving in the army of one particular clan. You gain a free 3-point Ally in another clan of your choice.
0Your ancestor won the blessing of the Thunder Dragon during a great storm. You may take a Rank of the Magic Resistance Advantage for 1 less Experience Point.

Illustrious Mantis Past

1You are one of the secret descendants of the Gusai family. You gain Dark Secret: Gusai Family but also gain 1.0 Status.
23Your ancestor was involved in covert trade with gaijin. You may take the Gaijin Gear Advantage for 1 less Experience Point, but you have an Obligation (3 points) to his foreign trading partner.
45Your ancestor was an ally of the Cornejo family and learned things which no Rokugani should know. You have the Advantage Forbidden Knowledge: Gaijin Pepper.
67Your ancestor was a prosperous smuggler, and while this enriched your family it also damaged their repute. You start with 1 additional koku in your Outfi t, but lose 0.5 Glory.
89Your family history is fi lled with scoundrels and misfi ts. You gain 1.0 Infamy but also gain 1 free Rank in the Skill of Lore: Underworld.
0Your ancestor married a komouri shapeshifter spirit. You may purchase the Child of Chikushudo Advantage.

Mantis Mixed Blessings

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