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13Shameful Past
47Illustrious Past
80Mixed Blessing

Crab Heritage

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1Your ancestor summoned a powerful kami during a time of need. Your ancestor made promises to the kami in return for its help, but never followed through. You gain the Disadvantage Wrath of the Kami.
23Your ancestor was a merchant patron who thought he was getting the better end of a deal, only to discover he’d had the wool pulled over his eyes. Your family has been impoverished ever since. Start with three less koku in your Outfit.
45Your ancestor fell to the Shadowlands and returned to fi ght his former clan as one of the Lost. His failure haunts you line to this day. You start with 0.1 Taint and your starting Honor is 1.0 lower.
67A creature from the Shadowlands cursed your line with its dying breath. You start play with the Disadvantage Bad Fortune: Lingering Misfortune.
89Your ancestor abandoned a comrade to die in the Shadowlands. The other man’s family swore a blood feud against yours. You gain the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage.
0Your ancestor was seduced by the Shadowlands and in the generations since he has taken several of his descendants to join him there. You are next on the list.

Shameful Crab Past

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1A particular kami took an interest in your family line, and it senses a similarity to your ancestor in you. You may take the Friendly Kami Advantage (if you are a shugenja) or the Friend of the Elements Advantage for one less Experience Point.
23Your ancestor made many political connections with another clan which have lasted to this day. You gain a 3-point Ally Advantage in that clan for free.
45Your ancestor single-handedly turned back an enemy sally during a siege. His deeds still bring fame to your family today. Gain 1.0 Glory.
67Your ancestor died a hero’s death fighting the Shadowlands. His legacy of heroism inspires you today. Gain 1 free Rank in a Weapon Skill of your choice.
89A visiting dignitary got caught in a Shadowlands attack while touring the Wall. Your ancestor saved his life and in thanks was granted an additional stipend. Your starting Outfit gains 2 koku.
0During a fierce battle with another clan, your ancestor saved the life of one of his enemies. Their descendants remain indebted to your line. You gain a free 3-point Obligation with their clan.

Illustrious Crab Past

1Your family is known for something disreputable - not necessarily undeserved. You gain the Infamous Disadvantage. However, you have learned from your family’s illicit activities and gain one free Rank in a Low Skill.
23Your ancestor discovered something very interesting - and very taboo. You may take the Forbidden Knowledge Advantage for one less Experience Point.
45Your family has always had good relations with the Nezumi. You gain a free 2-point Ally who is a Nezumi.
67Due to various mishaps and misfortunes, you are the last of your line, and have all your family’s titles and responsibilities resting squarely on your shoulders. You gain 0.5 Status but you are also under a 3-point Obligation to the Crab to keep your family line alive.
89Your ancestor participated in a battle with another clan, where he unexpectedly distinguished himself in a duel. However, the descendants of the samurai he defeated would like re-match. You gain 1.0 Glory but you also have a Sworn Enemy in another clan’s family.
0Your ancestor was a Kaiu craftsman of singular skills. One of his creations was passed on to you. Unfortunately he was afflicted with too much Fire and sometimes didn’t seem himself. You gain the Sacred Weapon: Kaiu Blade Advantage for free, but the blade is afflicted with some manner of curse known only to your GM.

Crab Mixed Blessings

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