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The Kuni Witch-Hunters are a small but highly skilled group of mystical warriors who serve the Crab Clan by hunting for maho-tsukai and Shadowlands infiltration within the Empire. They travel freely through Rokugan, often disregarding clan borders and jurisdictions... much to the displeasure of local authorities. Samurai from other clans tend to regard Witch-Hunters as superstitious and ill-mannered louts, but common folk throughout the Empire respect them and seek their aid whenever supernatural threats arise. Within the Crab Clan they are treated with respect and not a little fear, since their appearance often betokens the presence of the Taint.

Last Haiku Editor's Note: The Rank 1 technique adds +1k0 to the roll for each Taint Rank the target possesses. This seems to indicate that a player character using this class is told how many additional unkept dice they must roll, which would hint at whether the target is Tainted or not. While a player is not supposed to use out-of-game knowledge to assist their character's reasoning, such a choice seems quite easily abusable. As a result, it could be advised to allow a free raise per Taint Rank instead, in order to keep the target's impurity a secret.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Rugged Clothing, Daisho, Knife, Jade Pendant, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: To See the Darkness

Witch-hunters are taught both to sense the power of Jigoku and to crush those who carry its dreadful mark. You may attempt to detect the Taint in another person by holding your jade pendant (or another piece of jade) and staring intently at them. This is a Complex Action and requires your to make a Contested Roll of your Investigation (Interrogation) / Awareness against the target's Sincerity (Deceit) / Willpower. You gain a +1k0 bonus to this roll for every full Rank of Taint the target possesses. If you succeed in the roll and the target is Tainted (has at least 1 Rank of Taint), you are able to sense the presence of the Taint and its approximate strength. If you fail this roll or the target is not Tainted, you gain no information. In addition, you gain +1k1 to your rolls to resist the Shadowlands Taint and to your attack rolls when attacking a foe who is a Shadowlands creature or who you know to be Tainted.

Rank Two: To Ride the Darkness

Witch-hunters do not confine themselves to rooting out Tainted men and women - they also learn how to fight the creatures of the Shadowlands, and spend considerable time studying their strengths and weaknesses. Any time you are confronted by a Shadowlands creature, you may take a Free Action to roll Lore: Shadowlands / Intelligence at TN 20 to recall either one specific strength (such as Invulnerability) or one specific weakness (such as jade) for that creature. You choose whether you recall a strength or a weakness, but the GM chooses the exact information. You may Raise on this roll to learn additional pieces of information - one strength or weakness per Raise.

Rank Three: To Strike the Darkness

At this rank the Witch-hunter learns to call on the power of purity to guide and strengthen his blows. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action when your opponent is a Shadowlands creature or when you know your opponent to be Tainted.

Rank Four: To Repel the Darkness

The Witch-hunter's intense study and spiritual training now gives him access to esoteric powers and makes it almost impossible for the forces of darkness to deceive him. You gain a +3k0 bonus to all rolls for your Rank One ability to detect the Taint and to the roll for your Rank Two ability. In addition, you may learn one Kiho. (If the optional rule allowing Kiho for non-Brotherhood monks is in effect, this Kiho does not count against the maximum number of Kiho you can learn, although it is subject to their other mechanical limitations such as Mastery Level.)

Rank Five: To Shatter the Darkness

The Witch-hunter is now the true nemesis of Jigoku's forces, able to strike down his enemies with unmatched power. You gain +4k1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls against Shadowlands creatures and against foes you know to be Tainted. This stacks with the attack bonus from your Rank One Technique.