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The Kaiu Engineers are the most formidable crafters in the Empire, and their skills are turned almost entirely to the Crab Clan's duty of defending Rokugan against the Shadowlands. Masters of construction and siegecraft, they are also formidably talented at the manufacture of arms and armor. Many Kaiu also serve as battlefield commanders, turning their talents at siege to the service of war.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Light or Heavy Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Heavy Weapon or War Fan, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
School Techniques
Rank One: The Kaiu Method

A student of the Kaiu Method is taught the many basic essential disciplines the family uses to serve the Crab. You gain a bonus of +1k0 when making any School Skill Roll. When spending a Void Point to augment a School Skill Roll, you gain a bonus of +2k2 instead of +1k1. These effects are not cumulative.

Rank Two: The Path of Stone

The Kaiu are feared on the battlefield for good reason - they are masters of both construction and destruction. When constructing any large structure (temple-sized or larger), you may make an Engineering Skill Roll at TN 25 to add an additional number of Wounds to the structure equal to your School Rank x 100. Also, when commanding a siege engine, you may re-roll once any of the siege engine's damage dice that roll below your School Rank.

Rank Three: The Path of the Shell

The security and protection of Crab samurai is a somber duty all Kaiu take very seriously indeed. When crafting any set of armor, you may double the crafting time and cost in order to add your School Rank to the armor's Reduction value. You may also add half your School Rank (rounding up) to the armor's Armor TN bonus.

Rank Four: The Path of War

Every Kaiu is a student of battle, as are all Crab. When you roll on the Mass Battle Chart, you may modify your result (up or down) by an additional amount equal to half your School Rank. Additionally, when fighting with a katana, dai tsuchi, or war fan, you may make melee attacks as a Simple Action rather than a Complex Action.

Rank Five: The Path of Steel

The greatest and most sacred duty of the Kaiu is crafting the sacred weapons of the Crab Clan. When crafting any weapon, you may choose to confer either a +1k0 bonus to all attack rolls made with that weapon, or a +0k1 bonus to all damage rolls made with that weapon. If the weapon is a katana, you may expend all your Void Points (a minimum of one point must be spent) to make the blade unbreakable (as per the Sacred Weapon: Kaiu Blade Advantage). Doing so renders you unable to recover Void Points for one week.