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The manipulation of others through the use of threats, both stated and implied, is an oft-employed tool for those who have left their honor behind. Even bushi who are generally honorable but have a strong sense of pragmatism will occasionally abandon decorum and threaten those who refuse to cooperate. It is a shameful act, but one that many are willing to commit (and promptly forget) in order to ensure the successful completion of their duty.

The Bullying Emphasis is the simplest form of Intimidation, and involves the immediate, short-term threat of violence to get another to perform a specific act. Control, on the other hand, indicates a longer-term attempt to shape another's behavior to your will, and is often used by courtiers to manipulate lower-ranking, weaker-willed individuals. Torture, which is never a subject for polite conversation, is used by hinin working for magistrates in order to elicit confessions and information from criminals. No proper samurai will dirty his soul by torturing in person

Intimidation is usually a Contested Roll, resisted with Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. The GM may require a different Skill or Trait to resist the Intimidation attempt if it seems more appropriate to the situation. Regardless, the resisting character's Honor Rank is added to the total of his roll.

Note: Mastery Abilites rank 3 and 7 are house rules and are not part of the standard 4th edition ruleset.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - The character gains a free emphasis in this skill.
Rank 5 - The character gains a bonus of +5 to the total of any Contested Roll made using Intimidation.
Rank 7 - The character gains a bonus of +5 to resist the effects of fear.
Skill Type
Social Skill
Bullying, Control, Torture