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Chiroru led the ronin vanguard of the Empire’s army at the Battle of Sleeping River. A proud man who forged bonds of intense loyalty with his fellow wave-men, Chiroru refused an offer of fealty from the Fox Clan, declaring he could not go to the afterlife wearing a mon - after all, if he did, his brothers and sisters from the battle might not recognize him. Those who are guided by Chiroru’s spirit share his ability to forge powerful bonds of loyalty to their comrades. You may choose a number of individuals up to your Void Rank to be your "siblings" - you are considered to have a Kharmic Tie with each of these individuals, and you will always be aware if any of them are in danger.

GM Notes: It is recommended that players be allowed to have their character choose the "siblings" one at a time over the course of play, rather than having to select them all during character creation. At the GM’s option, a character could be allowed to select a new "sibling" if an earlier one dies or betrays the friendship.

Loyalty cuts both ways. If you ever forsake, abandon, or betray any of your "siblings," Chiroru will forsake you in turn.
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