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Long-reaching weapons with considerable power and versatility, polearms are essentially a stopgap between heavy weapons and the traditional katana. They consist of bladed weapons mounted atop sturdy poles of wood or metal, granting a warrior skilled in their use the ability to keep his opponents at bay while taking a terrible toll on them at the same time. The practice of using polearms is sometimes referred to as umayarijutsu.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - During the first round of a skirmish, a character wielding a polearm gains a bonus of +5 to his Initiative Score. This lasts for only the first round.
Rank 5 - Damage rolls made with polearms against mounted or significantly larger opponents is increased by +1k0.
Rank 7 - Polearms may be readied as a Free Action.
Skill Type
Weapon Skills
Bisento, Nagamaki, Naginata, Sasumata, Sodegarami