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Of the eight Kami who competed within the first Celestial Tournament, seven went forth to honor their Emperor by creating Great Clans to serve him. Since that time, one additional Great Clan has been given leave ny the Emperor to serve him in the the same manner as the others, and one other self-titled "clan" has claimed the title but never been recognized.

In theory, the Great Clans command only what power is granted to them by he Emperor. This consists of the power to fulfill their specific duties without interfering with the duties of other clans, and to govern over the Emperor's lands bestowed to them in his name. In reality, of course, each clan commands considerable military, economic, and political power, enough to overthrow the Empire, and only the power of the other clans keeps them in check - that and the fact that no honorable Clan Champion would ever consider such a blasphemous and disgraceful act.

Although all Great Clans are ultimately loyal to the Emperor, they can and do have radically different outlooks on virtually every aspect of life, and conflicts between them are common. Most Emperors have historically chosen not to interfere with inter-clan wars because they permit the clans to vent their hostility honorably. After all, denying a massive force of noble warriors the right to pursue satisfaction in what they consider a matter of honor is generally a poor idea.

Known for centuries as the Left Hand of the Emperor, the Crane Clan is responsible for maintaining the balance and integrity of the Empire's courts and of Rokugani society in general. As such, the Crane excel at diplomacy and politics, and are widely regarded as the unquestioned masters of the courts, with all the resentment from others that title entails.

Quiet and serene, the Asahina are among the most monastic of all samurai families. They are also perhaps the most pacifistic, even more so than the Phoenix Clan, and abhor violence, seeking other means of resolving disputes at all costs. The Asahina are also known for their devotion to philosophy and the arts.

The so-called Iron Crane are the strong arm of the Crane Clan and the enforcers of the Doji and Kakita's will. They do not employ grace and style as their kinsmen do, but instead focus on sheer strength of arms and employ tactics that some might consider ruthless or even dishonorable. Daidoji means "defenders of Doji," and it is a name the family has earned.

Lords of the Crane Clan, the Doji are the unquestioned masters of culture and politics in the Empire. It is a testament to the Doji's cunning and influence that the Clan has endured for a thousand years despite being beset by larger, more militant Clans who find the Crane's dominance of the courts endlessly antagonistic.

Literal cousins of the Doji, the Kakita family was created by the children of Lady Doji and her husband Kakita during the dawn of the Empire. The Kakita believe in excelling at one's chosen task, whether that task is making war or creating the most glorious pieces of art. Like other Crane families, the Kakita are also well known for their physical beauty.