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When a samurai performs a feat of great heroism to Rokugan, the Emperor may reward his service by making him the leader of his own Minor Clan. The leader of the new Minor Clan gathers followers eager to join his cause and serve the Empire in their own unique ways. This great favor has been granted many times during the course of Rokugani history, producing an interesting and diverse group of proud warriors.

Minor Clans generally control a small region of the Empire and their populations are quite low compared to the Great Clans. Most Minor Clans have only a single family name, and the smallest ones may only have a few dozen samurai in their ranks.

The Boar Clan was given dominion over the Twilight mountains on the northern border of the Crab Clan's lands. The Twilight Mountains were rich with both iron and jade and the small Minor Clan's importance grew as its samurai mined the precious materials. The Twilight Mountains proved to be a dangerous home, however, as earthquakes, maddened spirits, insane maho-tsukai, and the malevolent spirit Shakoki Dogu assaulted the Boar Clan at every step.

Few people could endure the dangers of the Twilight Mountains without breaking, yet the samurai of the Boar thrived on the land for centuries. They are a hard and bitter people who will fight with everything within reach to defend what is theirs. Once a Heichi sets his mind to a goal nothing will stop him from achieving it.