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When a samurai performs a feat of great heroism to Rokugan, the Emperor may reward his service by making him the leader of his own Minor Clan. The leader of the new Minor Clan gathers followers eager to join his cause and serve the Empire in their own unique ways. This great favor has been granted many times during the course of Rokugani history, producing an interesting and diverse group of proud warriors.

Minor Clans generally control a small region of the Empire and their populations are quite low compared to the Great Clans. Most Minor Clans have only a single family name, and the smallest ones may only have a few dozen samurai in their ranks.

The founder of the Badger Clan was a powerful Crab warrior who proved his worth in a contest of strength in front of the Emperor. The descendents of the first Badger live on the northern border of Rokugan, and are tasked with guarding the Empire from foreign invasion. The Badger take after their Great Clan cousins, embracing strength at the expense of refinement, and do not accept defeat even in teh face of insurmountable odds.

The Ichiro are rude and course in their interactions with the rest of the Empire. They believe in action over words and pragmatics over societal norms. The Ichiro are stocky by nature, and their mountainous lifestyle ensures a heavily muscular frame.