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The Tiger are descended from the Yotsu, a ronin family created during the eleventh century. The daughters of the family founder were appointed as governors of the city districts in the Imperial capital, Otosan Uchi, and after the destruction of the city by the Dark Lord Daigotsu during the Four Winds era the growing family assumed responsibility for the ruins.

In the Heroes of Rokugan timeline, the Spider Clan is eventually cleared from the ruins of Otosan Uchi and the Yotsu fight in the vanguard of that effort, hunting Lost and Shadowlands monsters through the streets of the wrecked city. Afterward they are proclaimed the Tiger Clan and given permanent responsibility for protecting the city and ensuring the power of Jigoku can never again be unleashed within its boundaries. Sadly, the process of cleansing the city of Taint also makes it unable to support crops or animal life, so in order to live and fulfill their duties the Yotsu are forced to hire themselves out as mercenaries across the Empire. This allows them to earn enough koku to scrape by, especially since their skills at hunting foes through cities make them quite popular as yoriki to magistrates.

The clan colors of the Tiger Clan are yellow and black. Their mon shows a stylized image of a tiger springing from ambush.

Yotsu Bushi

The original Yotsu technique was based on the family's self-appointed role as protectors of the common people in Otosan Uchi. The later evolution of a full-scale bushi School happened as a result of the family's experiences fighting the Spider Clan in the ruins of Otosan Uchi. The Yotsu were forced to fight with stealth and ruthless aggression in an environment where the dominant terrain feature was ruined buildings. Although the resulting school was not one which more rigidly honorable samurai would admire, it suited the Yotsu well and they have maintained its techniques ever since.


After the Fall of Otosan Uchi the Yotsu stayed behind in the ruined and tainted city to defend those who were unable or unwilling to flee their homes. They remained here until 1166 when Jade Champion Asahina Sekawa attacked Otosan Uchi in an attempt to confront the Ninube infestation there. In thanks for their aid in the battle the Yotsu family were granted territory within the Crane lands.